1. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated NADI UTSAV-2021
  2. Awareness programme on “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) and Fish health management” in Charan beel, Assam
  3. Interactive workshop on ‘Cage culture in Umiam reservoir, Meghalaya’ held at Umiam
  4. Sensitization programme and distribution of fishing implements by ICAR-CIFRI, Bangalore at Gayathri reservoir, Karnataka under SC-SP programme
  5. Regional Workshop on ‘Open water fisheries enhancement of Northeast Region of India’ organized by ICAR-CIFRI
  6. IICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute & ICAR-NBAIR, Bangalore jointly organised Demonstration meeting on ‘Mass Production of Black soldier fly for utilisation as fish feed’ at Peechi, Kerala
  7. Climate resilient fisheries initiative at Elamkunnapuzha by ICAR-CIFRI Kochi Centre
  8. ICAR-CIFRI stocked Fingerlings in FLD programmeon “Penculture demonstration” at Dumnidaha Beel, Murshidabad under SCSP
  9. Exploration and documentation of aquatic biodiversity: a new approach for conservation
  10. Shri BisheswarTudu, Minister of State of Jalshakti and Tribal Affairsinaugurated CIFRI Pen culture cum reservoir fisheries enhancement program.
  11. Knowledge and Skill Development through Training at ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore for farmers of Muzaffarpur, Bihar
  12. Scientist- women SHG group interface meet organized
  13. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated Women in Agriculture day
  14. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated World Soil Day on 5th December, 2021
  15. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated Agricultural Education Day-2021
  16. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, 2021
  17. Non-residential training programme on ‘Pen farming for production and livelihood enhancement in floodplain wetlands’ held at Lakhanabandha beel, Nagaon, Assam during 24-26 November, 2021
  18. Social wellbeing and livelihood support for SC fishers of Sahebkhali and Amtali of Sunderban
  19. National Campaign on Antimicrobial Resistance in Fish was celebrated by ICAR-CIFRI@Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav
  20. ICAR-CIFRI organized a training programme on "Inland Fisheries Management" for fishers of Nawada District, Bihar
  21. ICAR-CIFRI Celebrated WORLD FISHERIES DAY-2021in association with National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG)
  22. संसदीय राजभाषा समिति की दूसरी उपसमिति द्वारा दिनांक 22 नवमबर, 2021 को भाकृअनुप-केन्‍द्रीय अंतर्स्‍थलीय मात्स्यिकी अनुसंधान संस्‍थान, बैरकपुर, कोलकाता, पश्चिम बंगाल में राजभाषा संबंधी निरीक्षण
  23. Regional Centre of ICAR-CIFRI, Bangalore organized a mass awareness program under “National Campaign” on “Anti-microbial Resistance in Fish” at Vanivilas sagar reservoir, Chitradurga District, Karnataka
  24. CIFRI extends livelihood support to fishers of Jharkhand under STC and SCSP
  25. DDG (Fy), ICAR inaugurated ‘Matsyalok Guest House’ by at ICAR-CIFRI, Prayagraj
  26. Thirty thousand fish seeds were released by ICAR-CIFRI in the river Ganga, at Prayagraj
  27. Doubling the income of cyclone affected SC and ST Farmers of Gangasagar : large-scale intervention of ICAR-CIFRI
  28. ICAR-CIFRI Conducted Campaign on Climate Resilient Inland Fisheries at Raja wetland, West Bengal as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Mahotsav
  29. Training-cum-workshop on “Catch Estimation Methods for Inland Open Waterbodies” on 8th November 2021 at ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore
  30. Training-cum-workshop on “Catch Estimation Methods for Inland Open Waterbodies” at ICAR-CIFRI
  31. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated GANGA UTSAV-2021 at multi locations
  32. ICAR-CIFRI, Prayagraj celebrated Ganga Utsav 2021
  33. ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore observed Vigilance Awareness Week during 26th October to 1st November 2021
  34. ICAR-CIFRI conducted awareness programme on enclosure culture at Mapithel reservoir, Manipur
  35. Field-day conducted at Takmu pat, Manipur after successful demonstration of cage aquaculture with Pengba, Osteobrama belangeri
  36. CAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore signed MOU with Directorate of Fisheries, Government of Odisha
  37. Awareness and input distribution programme for YAAS affected fishers at Sagar Island, Sundarbans under SCSP & STC
  38. ICAR-CIFRI, Prayagraj conducted a one day Webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on ecology and fisheries of river Ganga”
  39. One week Online Training Programme was conducted at ICAR-CIFRI, Prayagraj
  40. Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR interacted with Women SC fish farmers at ICAR-CIFRI
  41. Tagged Hilsa Fish Recovery Showed a Migration of 225 Km in River Ganga
  42. Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR inaugurated Multifacility training complex and ICPMS facility at ICAR-CIFRI
  43. ICAR-CIFRI, Regional Centre, Bangalore conducted an online training programme on "Estimation of Fish Productivity in Inland Open Waterbodies"
  44. Prime Minister & Farmer Centric Program at ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore @Bharat Ki Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav
  45. ICAR-CIFRI organised ‘Field day’ at Khalsi Wetland, West Bengal
  46. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated “World Rivers Day”
  47. ICAR-CIFRI organized stakeholder’s meeting for sustainable management of fisheries under Scheduled Tribe Component @ Bharat Ka Amrut mahotsav
  48. ICAR-CIFRI organized awareness on “Hilsa and Dolphin conservation in river Ganga”
  49. Capacity building programme initiated on "Inland Fisheries Management” for women under Scheduled Tribe Component
  50. ICAR-CIFRI Celebrated Campaign on Nutri-Garden and Tree Plantation
  51. ICAR-CIFRI Guwahati celebrated International Year of Millets and Tree Plantation at Ghorajan beel, Kamrup, Assam on 17.09.21
  52. Schedule caste fishers of Odisha trained on Ornamental fisheries at ICAR-CIFRI
  53. ICAR-CIFRI organized Field Days in Bamuni and Charan beel of Assam
  54. Cage culture for enhanced fish production from Dumbur reservoir of Tripura" organized by ICAR-CIFRI RC, Guwahati
  55. Hindi Week 2021 organized at ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute
  56. Awareness programme on ‘Enclosure culture for enhanced fish production from beels’ organized by ICAR-CIFRI, Regional Centre, Guwahati in collaboration with AFDC Ltd.
  57. Coracle Distribution to Reservoir Fisherfolk of Kerala under the Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) Programme
  58. >Awareness programme on ‘System Diversification for fisheries enhancement in inland open waters’ in Kanjirapuzha Dam, Palakkad, Kerala
  59. ICAR-CIFRI supports Cyclone YAAS affected fish farmers of Sunderban under SCSP programme
  60. National campaign on "System Diversification in Aquaculture" @ Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav
  61. ICAR-CIFRI observed 16th Parthenium Awareness Week (16-22 August 2021)
  62. ICAR-CIFRI celebrates 75th Independence day
  63. ICAR-CIFRI organised virtual webinar on “Sensitization on Hilsa Fisheries Conservation and Livelihood Improvement in River Ganga”
  64. ICAR-CIFRI organized a collaborative training programme with MANAGE on “NUTRISMART FISH’ to boost the Nutritional Security of the Rural Women
  65. Multi-location river ranching in West Bengal and Jharkhand organized by ICAR-CIFRI under NMCG @Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav
  66. Regional Centre of ICAR-CIFRI, Bangalore organised a “Mass awareness program on culture based fisheries for sustainable development” at Chitradurga district in Karnataka
  67. Meeting of Partner Institute on “Captive breeding of hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha: Phase II” sponsored by NASF held at ICAR- CIFRI
  68. Dr. S.Ayyappan, Ex Secretary, DARE & DG ICAR Delivered First CIFRI Platinum Jubilee Lecture @Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav
  69. CIFRI conducted NFDB sponsored online training on Enhancing reservoir fisheries for livelihood and nutritional security.
  70. Popularization of Pen culture technology for production enhancement inland open waters through online Training Programme at Guwahati on 29 July, 2021
  71. Captive nursery raising of climate smart and auto breeder fish, Systomus sarana in Beledanga Wetland under SCSP program.
  72. ICAR-CIFRI Conferred with Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award-2020 under Large Institute Category and other laurels during 93rd ICAR Foundation day.
  73. Capacity building of YAAS affected SC women fishers’ of Sunderbans for Ornamental Fisheries
  74. On the occasion of National Fish Farmers Day Fishes were released into the Ganga River by ICAR-CIFRI.
  75. Online Awareness Programme organized at ICAR-CIFRI RC, Guwahati on 10th July, 2021 as part of Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav and National Fish Farmers’ Day 2021
  76. Online Interactive Programme on “Ecosystem-based management for fisheries and aquaculture of NER” organized at ICAR-CIFRI RC, Guwahati on 10th July, 2021
  77. National Campaign on “Ecosystem based management for sustainable fisheries” launched on National Fish Farmers Day, 2021 @Bharat Ka Amrut Mahotsav
  78. Technology Transfer License Agreement of “ICAR-CIFRI ARGCURE” signed with Glaucus Agrochem Pvt. Ltd
  79. Report on Online Training on Sampling Techniques for Fish Catch Estimation in Inland Open Waterbodies for State Government Officials
  80. Tagging cum awareness on high altitude fish species in river Tons for operational functionalities of fish pass towards conservation
  81. Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting of ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore conducted during 01-02 April, 2021
  82. Awareness programme on occasion of fish seed stocking in pens at Bor Beel, Arunachal Pradesh
  83. ICAR-CIFRI conducted online training programme on “Geospatial application in Inland fisheries”
  84. ICAR-CIFRI Observed World Water Day on 22nd March, 2021
  85. Workshop cum training program on “Wetland Fisheries Development for fishers of East Champaran, Bihar” inaugurated
  86. Visit of Dr. Pravin Putran, Assistant Director General (Marine Fisheries)
  87. More than one lakh seeds of depleting IMC were ranched in the Ganga river through a series of Ranching programme
  88. ICAR-CIFRI Regional Centre Bangalore secured second prize for Official language implementation
  89. ICAR-CIFRI celebrates 75th Foundation day
  90. More than one lakh seeds of depleting IMC were ranched in the Ganga river through a series of Ranching programme
  91. ICAR-CIFRI Regional Centre Bangalore secured second prize for Official language implementation
  92. ICAR-CIFRI celebrates 75th Foundation day
  93. Director visit to ICAR-CIFRI, Vadodara
  94. ICAR-CIFRI adopts beels of Assam under NEH component
  95. ICAR-CIFRI conducted online training on Fisheries Enhancement in Floodplain Wetlands
  96. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated International Women’s Day, 2021
  97. ICAR-CIFRI, Prayagraj has ranched 15000 IMC fingerling in the Ganga river
  98. Awareness programme on ‘Hilsa and Dolphin conservation’ organised at ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore on 23rd to 24th February 2021
  99. Capacity building on “Fish disease and health management in inland waters”
  100. One Day One line training programme at ICAR-CIFRI, Prayagraj
  101. ICAR-CIFRI conducted workshop on “Strategic planning for nutritional security and productivity enhancement in Hirakud reservoir, Odisha: An approach to community mobilization
  102. ICAR-CIFRI established ornamental fish unit in Risia Nilagiri village in Balasore and Chunakuli Damana village in Bhubaneswar, Odisha for tribal women
  103. ICAR-CIFRI initiates cage culture of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Dumbur reservoir of Tripura
  104. ICAR-CIFRI organized stakeholder meeting for sustainable management of fisheries in Pong reservoir, Himachal Pradesh
  105. ICAR-CIFRI organized on-campus training programmes for Tribal beneficiaries from Rishia Dam,Odisha
  106. ICAR-CIFRI demonstrated pen culture in two wetlands of West Bengal under SCSP
  107. ICAR-CIFRI organized online Training Programme on “Production enhancement through pen culture in inland open waters” at Guwahati
  108. ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore conducted vertual training programme on “Production enhancement through cage culture in Inland open waters” on 18 th February 2021
  109. ICAR-CIFRI inked MOU with Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha
  110. Ranching & tagging in river Ganga: an initiatives by ICAR-CIFRI for wild fish germplasm restoration under NMCG Project.
  111. Ranching & tagging in river Ganga: an initiatives by ICAR-CIFRI for wild fish germplasm restoration under NMCG Project.
  112. CIFRI adopted five new wetlands and demonstrated pen culture in Murshidabad under SCSP in collaboration with KVK, Ramakrishna Mission,Sargachhi.
  114. Demonstration of Pearlspot Culture in CIFRI HDPE Pens under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) in Vazhani Reservoir, Kerala.
  115. Awareness cum training programme on Pearlspot Culture in CIFRI HDPE Pens under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) in Vazhani Reservoir, Kerala.
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This website belongs to ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Copyright @ 2010 ICAR, This website is developed & maintained by Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit.
2016 Last updated on 05/01/2022