1. Awareness cum training programme on Pearlspot Culture in CIFRI HDPE Pens under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) in Vazhani Reservoir, Kerala.
  2. ICAR-CIFRI provides livelihood support to wetland fishers of Borkona beel, Assam under WorldFish project: A post-Covid initiative.
  3. ICAR-CIFRI’s ‘Fish-tourism village concept’ wins award in IISF-2020.
  4. Fish harvest Mela at Beledanga: ICAR-CIFRI initiative for Livelihoods enhancement.
  5. ICAR-CIFRI initiated cage culture of Pengba (Osteobramabelangeri) in Loktaklake of Manipur.
  6. Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Union Minister of Jalshakti visited Hilsa ranching station of ICAR-CIFRI
  7. Stakeholder’s Meet and Distribution of Inputs for Climate Smart Wetland Fisheries under NICRA SC-SP of ICAR-CIFRI.
  8. Memorandum of Understanding signed between ICAR-CIFRI and CSB-CSRTI for Utilization and diversification of silkworm pupae products for fish feed.
  9. ICAR-CIFRI organized Online Training on “Beel fisheries management” at Guwahati on Nov. 27, 2020.
  10. Empowering women of wetland dependent community through ‘Eco-system based-Integrated wetland management’-ICAR-CIFRI’s initiative.
  11. ICAR-CIFRI organised World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW-2020).
  12. Webinar on International Freshwater Dolphin Day for “Enhancing Conservation of River Dolphins” Organised by ICAR-CIFRI.
  13. ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute observed Vigilance Awareness Week during 27th October to 2nd November 2020.
  14. ICAR-CIFRI established ornamental fish unit in Bhadrak, Odisha - a way towards self-employment of rural women.
  15. Fish stock enhancement programme for livelihood improvement of tribal fishers in Bamuni beel, Bezera, Kamrup district (R), Assam.
  16. Exploration of Pong Reservoir, Kangra, HP by ICAR-CIFRI Team.
  17. Post Amphan support for Sustainable fisheries development of SC fishers of Sagar island, West Bengal.
  18. Week long “150th Gandhi Jayanti Saptah” celebrated at ICAR-CIFRI.
  19. Shri Pratap Chandra Sarangi, Minister of State for Fisheries, AH D & MSME visited CIFRI Pen demonstration site at Rishia reservoir, Balasore, Odisha.
  20. Carp seed ranching and Hilsa tagging in river Ganga for conservation and restoration of fish.
  21. ICAR-CIFRI established Ornamental Fish Farming unit for SC women Fishers of Khalsi Beel.
  22. केन्द्रीय अंतर्स्थलीय मात्स्यिकी अनुसन्धान संस्थान, बैरकपुर में हिंदी सप्ताह का उद्घाटन.
  23. Global Webinar on “Small Scale Fisheries in Inland open water: Status and opportunity” inaugurated.
  24. International Webinar for Enhancing Conservation of River Dolphins through Sub-Regional Cooperation Inaugurated.
  25. Post Amphan Support extended by ICAR-CIFRI in Covid 19 Unlock-3 under TSP/SCSP.
  26. ICAR-CIFRI Celebrate National Fish Farmers’ Day on 10th July 2020.
  27. National Fish Farmers' Day 2020.
  28. Post Amphan support to the affected fishers of Beledanga wetland, West Bengal for livelihood enhancement under SCSP.
  29. Ranching of advanced fingerling in the Ganga river at Prayagraj.
  30. Capacity building on e-Matsya to Odisha Fisheries officials during COVID-19 lockdown.
  31. ICAR-CIFRI organized a series of five consecutive River Ranching program and Dolphin Awareness in West Bengal.
  32. ICAR-CIFRI tagged Indian Major Carps under Namami Gange program.
  33. ICAR-CIFRI adopt Salia Reservoir in Post COVID situation for the Livelihood Enhancement of Schedule Caste Fishers of Odisha.
  34. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting of the Institute was held on May 18, 2020 in virtual mode.
  35. Enhancing Fishers’ Livelihood through Wetland Fisheries Management in East Chamapran District of Bihar.
  36. SC fishers of Odisha trained in Inland Fisheries Management.
  37. आय वृद्धि के लिए बिहार के भागलपुर जिले के मछुआरों के ज्ञान और कौशल वृद्धि का प्रयास.
  38. आजीविका सुरक्षा के लिए बिहार के नवादा जिले के मछुआरों के लिए कौशल विकास और क्षमता निर्माण कार्यक्रम.
  39. संसदीय राजभाषा समिति का आगमन.
  40. Capacity building programme on “Development and Management of Pen and Cage culture in Tripura” for tribal fishers of Tripura organised at ICAR-CIFRI.
  41. International conference on “Ecosystem Health and Fisheries of Indian Inland Waters: Multiple Stressors, Management and Conservation” inaugurated.
  42. ICAR Winter School on “Advances in Management of Inland Open-water Ecosystem Health” organised at ICAR-CIFRI, Kolkata.
  43. 20000 IMC fingerling were Ranched in the Ganga river by ICAR-CIFRI.
  44. ICAR-CIFRI conducted a Skill Development Programme on ‘Wetland fisheries management’ in collaboration with Directorate of Fisheries, Manipur at Imphal.
  45. ICAR-CIFRI organized Fish Harvest Mela at Rulhi wetland, East Champaran, Bihar.
  46. Knowledge up-gradation to women folk of Sundarvans on Ornamental Fish Culture for livelihood improvement.
  47. Skill up-scaling program to down trodden farmers of remote Sundarvans .
  48. ICAR-CIFRI celebrated Annual Sports on 25th & 27th January 2020.
  49. ICAR-CIFRI conducted ranching program on the eve of 71st Republic Day with Vivekananda State Police Academy West Bengal.
  50. Need-based skilled training progarmme for the fishers of Samastipur district of Bihar towards livelihood security.
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This website belongs to ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Copyright @ 2010 ICAR, This website is developed & maintained by Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit.
2016 Last updated on 05/01/2022