Fish farmers from Uttarakhand trained at ICAR-CIFRI
14th February, 2025

Uttarakhand boasts a rich variety of freshwater fisheries resources, primarily consisting of fast-flowing rivers, high and low-altitude natural lakes, man-made reservoirs, ponds, and diggies. While the potential is high, issues like limited fish seed availability, lack of awareness among local communities, and accessibility in hilly terrains can hinder the development of the fisheries sector in Uttrakhand. Keeping the background in view, a five-day training was organized at ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore, sponsored by DOF , Uttrakhand from 10-14 February 2024 on “Inland Fisheries Management’.

The programme was inaugurated on 10th February,24 by Dr. S. Samanta, I/C Director, ICAR, CIFRI. The training covered essential topics such as water quality management, nursery and pond construction, enclosure culture for livelihood enhancement, induced breeding, hatchery management, ornamental fish farming, and innovative fish farming techniques. Sessions on fish feed management, disease control, and the impacts of climate change on inland fisheries were also conducted.The program also featured field visits to various facilities and farms, providing hands-on exposure to the practical aspects of inland fisheries.

Trainees toured the Recirculatory Aquaculture System (RAS), ornamental hatchery unit, Ganga fish conservation unit, and fish feed mill at ICAR-CIFRI. They also visited Halisahar Fish Farm and the East Kolkata Wetlands, offering them invaluable insights into fish production and management in open water resources.
The training concluded with the distribution of certificates to the participants, who expressed high satisfaction with the program.

This website belongs to ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Copyright @ 2010 ICAR, This website is developed & maintained by Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit.
2017 Last updated on 07/02/2025