24th November, 2024 The World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) was organized by ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore focusing on the global theme on Educate. Advocate. Act now during November 18 to 24, 2024. Under the "All India Network Project on Antimicrobial Resistance (AINP-AMR) in fisheries and livestock," ICAR-CIFRI educated the public, farmers, professionals, scholars, and students.
The WAAW 2024, launched at ICAR-CIFRI in Barrackpore on 18th November 2024, to create awareness on antimicrobial resistance among the farmers and fishermen from Madhepura District, Bihar. Dr. B. K. Das, Director and Dr. A.K Bera elaborated the participants about the challenges of AMR, and its harmful impacts on ecosystems and human health.
On November 20, 2024, the awareness program was conducted at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Cossipore, Kolkata, focusing on AMR. Morethan100 students and staff were shared with scientific knowledge on AMR through the lectuers and leaflets. Experts from ICAR-CIFRI, Dr. A. K. Bera, and Dr. A. K. Das, interacted with the students and explained the misuse of antibiotics and its implications on public health, agriculture, and the environment.
On November 21, 2024, a mega event was conducted in Basanti block, Sundarbans, in partnership with Joygopalpur Gram Vikash Kendra (JGVK). Esteemed dignitaries, including Dr. Purnendu Biswas, former Vice Chancellor of WBUFAS, Mr. Ganesh Sengupta, chairman of IGF, Denmark, Mr. Niels Bo Karlsson from Denmark, and Dr. B. K. Das, Director of ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore, attended the programme. Banners, placards, and leaflets were distributed to a large number of women of the village household, who were informed about the global issues arising from antimicrobial resistance. This was followed by a huge rally in the vicinity, which was attended by over 1000 individuals, including school students from Vivekananda Shiksha Niketan Model High School, women from the NGO, CIFRI staff, and other participants. In the same vein, experts, educated a large group of students from class VII-X on the AMR.
On November 22, ICAR-CIFRI organized an awareness programme at Acharya Prafulla Chandra College, New Barrackpore, to create awareness on antimicrobial resistance among the students and staff. Experts presented lectures designed to inform students about the escalating threat of AMR and the critical need for responsible antibiotic use. The program concluded with a call to action, urging students to act as ambassadors for AMR awareness. More than 80 participants including students and college staff were inovlved in the programme.
The concluding day of the week-long observance of "World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week" from November 18 to 24, 2024, was marked by an awareness cum on field demonstration program organized in Hasnabad, West Bengal to educate farmers and fishermen on antimicrobial resistance, fish disease diagnosis, common fish pathogens and on field pathogen identification and remedial measures. The program highlighted global challenges, reduced antibiotic usage, and its impact on fisheries, aquaculture, and human health. Assistant Director of Fisheries, N-24-PGS Dr.P.Kundu provided insights on effective fish farming practices, suitable transportation techniques, and organic fish farming strategies. Participants agreed to implement measures to reduce antibiotic overuse and misuse, preventing infection transmission. Farmers showed keen interest on adopting new practices and shared their experiences and challenges, leading to fruitful discussions and potential collaborations. In short, all the awareness programmes successfully met its objectives by educating and empowering participants with knowledge and tools for sustainable living. The sessions fostered community involvement and enthusiasm, paving the way for more such initiatives in the future.
The events were co-ordinated by Dr. A. K. Sahoo, Senior Scientist, Principal Investigator, and Dr. A. K. Bera, Principal Scientist, Co-PI, AINP-AMR project and Dr. A. K. Das, Principal Scientist and assisted by Dr. Palash Ghorai, Young Professional-II, and Miss Anushka Das, YP-I. The entire programme was organized under the supervision of Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI.