ICAR-CIFRI organized skill development cum capacity building program for the fishers of Bhadrak and Balasore districts of Odisha
17th November, 2024
ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute has organized a five-day training-cum-exposure visit program on "Inland Fisheries Management" for the fishers from Bhadrak and Balasore districts of Odisha from November 11-15, 2024. This program was sponsored by the State Fishery Department of Odisha, which aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the rural fishing communities. The training was attended by thirty fishers, including two assistant fisheries officers (AFO).
The program was inaugurated by Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore with an active interaction session with the trainee farmers. In his opening speech, Dr. Das emphasized the need to harness the potential of inland water resources to enhance production and productivity through the application of scientific knowledge. The training program aimed to address the knowledge gaps, improve skills, and change perspectives about inland fisheries management. The training program emphasized various aspects of fisheries management which include nursery and rearing pond construction and management, induced breeding and hatchery management, composite fish culture, natural fish food organisms, water quality management, fish feed preparation, fish health management, culture-based fisheries, ornamental fish rearing, socio-economic and governance patterns in the inland fisheries sector, economic evaluation of fisheries enterprises, and participatory problem identification for improving fish production in Odisha.
The trainees also had field exposure visits to East Kolkata wetland and Halisahar fish farm for practical exposure. The trainees were also introduced to the institute's facilities such as the Recirculatory Aquaculture System (RAS), ornamental hatchery unit, Ganga fish conservation unit, and fish feed mill. The practical sessions on different need-based aspects such as basic water quality analysis and fish feed preparation using locally available ingredients were organized for the trainees to strengthen their practical skills.
The five-day training program was concluded with certificate distribution to the participants. Trainees expressed their high level of satisfaction with the training program. The training program was coordinated by Mr. Ganesh Chandra and Mr. Mitesh H. Ramteke with the technical assistance of Mr. Sujit Choudhury, Mr. Manabendra Roy, Mr. Kaushik Mondal under the guidance and leadership of Dr. B.K. Das, Director ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore.
Mayurbhanj district is in the northeast corner of the state of Odisha, and the Budhabalanga River flows through it, while Kendujhar is a landlocked district in the northern part of Odisha and mainly drained by the river Baitarani with numerous tributaries. Both the Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar districts have enough potential for fish culture as several rivers and tributaries flow in and around.