Popularization of CIFRI-ARGCURE among fish farmers of Kamrup(R), Assam
05th October, 2024
CIFRI ARGCURE-a product developed by ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CIFRI) to control Argulosisdisease in fish culture. In order to popularize the product among the fish farmers of Assam, ICAR-CIFRI,Regional Centre, Guwahati in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries (DoF), Govt. of Assam organized an “Demonstration-cum-input distribution programme” underTribal Sub-Plan (TSP) programme atBoko, Kamrup (R) District, Assam on 04.10.2024 for the benefit of 50 tribal fish farmers of the locality. The programme was organized under the overall guidance of Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore; Dr. S. K. Majhi, Head, ICAR-CIFRI RC, Guwahati; Dr. P. Barman, DFDO, Kamrup (R), DoF, Govt. of Assam. It was coordinated by Dr. Pronob Das, Senior Scientist (Organizing Secretary);Dr. S. C. S. Das, Senior Scientist and Mr. C. Pegu, FDO (Co-organizing Secretaries). The programme was attended by 60 participants (fish farmers and fishery officials).

Ms. PritishaHazarika, FDO of Kamrup (R) welcomed the participants and dignitaries for the day-long programmeand explained the purpose of the programme.Dr. Pronob Das delivered the opening address and outlinedthe research and extension activities carried out by the Institute for development of fisheries in Northeast region with special emphasis in Assam. He also informed about the different products and technologies developed by the Institute for benefits of farmers. He discussed about preventive and control measures of Argulosis disease, and briefed about scientific merits of CIFRI ARGCURE products for control of Argulosis disease in fish culture.Dr. S. C. S. Das explained different aspects of fish health management in fish farming for production enhancement.Mr. AmulyaKakati, STA of ICAR-CIFRIbriefly explained do’s and don’ts in fish culture during winter to reduce crop and economic loss. Mr. C. Peguthanked ICAR-CIFRI for providingtheir continuous technical support for development of fisheries in the state.He briefed about different government schemes for fisheries and allied activities.Smt. KhanashreeBoro, Village Head, Bondapara, Boko, Kamrup (R) urged ICAR-CIFRI andDoFto work closely for development of fisheries in the locality as well as in the state..

During the interactive Session, Scientists and officials addressed the queries raised by the participants on different aspect of fish culture and fish health management. They urged the participants to adopt scientific fish farming methods for achieving higher production, enhancement of income and livelihood. On the occasion, a total of 200 no. (100ml/no.)of CIFRI ARGCURE was distributed among 50 tribal fish farmers (including 22 fisherwomen) . Mr. GautamMedhi, FD of Kamrup (R) proposed a formal vote of thanks and appreciated the ICAR-CIFRI for their supportto the fish farmers of the state. .

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2017 Last updated on 07/10/2024