ICAR-CIFRI organized a training programme for fisheries officials of NER on ‘Strategies for openwater fisheries management in Northeast India’ at Guwahati during November 22-24, 2023
Guwahati,24 th November, 2023
The ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI), Regional Centre, Guwahati has organized a 3-day training programme for fisheries officials of NE states on ‘Strategies for openwater fisheries management in Northeast India’ during Nov. 22-24, 2023. The programme was sponsored by National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), Hyderabad and organized under the guidance of Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore and Dr. S. K. Majhi, Head, ICAR-CIFRI RC, Guwahati. The Institute has disseminated up-to-date technical knowhow generated on management of inland openwater fisheries to the fisheries officials through this training programme.
The inaugural session of the training programme was conducted on Nov. 22, 2023 in which Dr. S. K. Majhi, Head, ICAR-CIFRI RC, Guwahati and Dr. R. Murugesan, Director, NIRD & PR, Guwahati was present. The training programme is being attended by 25 fisheries officials from different NE states (Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Sikkim, Tripura and Mizoram); Kolong-Kopili (NGO), Bogibari, Assam and Ri-Bhoi Farmers Union, Meghalaya. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Majhi gave an overview of the inland fisheries sector of the country emphasizing priorities and necessities of the Northeast region. He stated that the region has 3.77 lakh ha water resources in terms of reservoirs, tanks and ponds, beels, oxbow lakes and other derelict waters, except the rivers and canals which are extending to a length of 20,875 km. He further emphasized that the total fish production of the NE region was 5,69,400 metric ton (mt) during 2021-22 (Assam: 4,17,000 mt, Tripura: 82,000 mt, Manipur: 33,000 mt, Nagaland: 9,000 mt, Mizoram: 5,000 mt, Meghalaya: 18,000 mt, Arunachal Pradesh: 5,000 mt and Sikkim: 400 mt), fulfilling about 85% of the demand in the region. Dr. Murugesan urged the departmental staff who are attending the training programme to motivate fish farmers for taking up scientific fish culture practices to be successful. He stressed upon integrated fish farming system as it reduces cost of inputs and increases profitability of the enterprise. Dr. Pronob Das and Dr. Dipesh Debnath, Senior Scientists coordinated the programme. The training programme comprised of two days of in-house discussion on current and evolving science on openwater fisheries management and one day field visit.
The valedictory session of the training programme was held on 24.11.23. Dr. S. K. Majhi, Head, ICAR-CIFRI RC, Guwahati welcomed the Chief Guest Smti Kavyashree Mahanta, IAS, Secretary, Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Assam and Guest of Honor Shri Ashim Kumar Borah, In-charge, National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), NE Regional Centre, Guwahati and informed about the objectives of the training programme. Madam Mahanta in her speech stated that Assam is rich in inland openwater waters that need to be managed scientifically to enhance fish production. She said that Northeast is not only different from rest of the country, but all the states of NE are also different from each other, and hence technologies need to be fine-tuned to suit a particular state and water resource. She further urged the participants to utilize the knowledge gained in the training programme and congratulated them on successful completion.
Shri Ashim Kumar Borah, In-charge, National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), NE Regional Centre, Guwahati stated the activities of NFDB and mentioned about collaborative work programmes that his Organization and ICAR-CIFRI carried out in the past.
Dr. Pronob Das, Senior Scientist and Course Coordinator presented a brief training report. Participants from all the states expressed that the training programme contents were very informative and field trip to Kalong-Kapili NGO was very pertinent for exposure into sustainable aquaculture and natural farming models. Certificates and training compendium were distributed among the participants by the Chief Guest and Head of Centre. Dr. Dipesh Debnath, Senior Scientist and Course Coordinator proposed the vote of thanks for the valedictory session.