ICAR-CIFRI initiative to empower women folk through ornamental fish culture
Barrackpore, 17 September, 2023
Empowering women towards supporting with economical sustainability ICAR-CIFRI has been standing by the side of 28 numbers SC women folk with ornamental fish culture inputs comprising 400 L capacity CIFRI Model FRP tank having provision of breeding operation in the same tank with two chambers, ornamental live bearer fish species, ornamental kits comprising aerator with accessories, thermostat, feed, hand net, aqua health care chemical etc. CIFRI provided hand holding demonstration at Balagarh Block women beneficiaries in Hooghly district, West Bengal.Inaugurating the program sponsored by SCSP project executed bythe Institute, Dr B K Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI has invoked the fisher women in this part of Hooghly reminding them of the call for women empowerment by Pandit Vidyasagar, Raja Rammohon Roy who led Bengal towards Upholding the voice of women and their empowerment. If in our society women will be empowered socially, economically as well as knowledge-wise, the whole society would be up-scaled, Dr Das reiterated. The Institute has been fervently involved in this endeavour since last so many years in upholding socio-economical status of rural downtrodden women through different interventions with need based inputs and knowledge support. The program was also attended by 30 trainee fish Farmers' of Sheohar district, Bihar besides numbers of fishers under the FCS functioning at Balagarh who are also getting direct benefit out of the different project activities like very flagship Project NMCG. Dr A K Das, PS of the Institute encouaged the women folk and urged them to derive benefits out of such programs so as to earn self sufficiency financially in general. Dr Shreya Bhattacharya, scholar of the Institute was instrumental in demonstrating the ornamental fish culture techniques using the kit items provided to them.