Strengthening the livelihood of people of hilly region through Ornamental fish farming: An initiative of ICAR-CIFRI
Kolkata, 1st May, 2023
The ornamental fish farming is a promising venture for upscaling the rural livelihood. Rural people especially the women involved in this farming system due to its easier culture practice and less space requirement, even the backyard can be used for a perfect culture site. Through PMSSY, it can be helpful to enhance the socioeconomic condition of people and eventually helpful for development of a better nation.
With the vision of upscaling socio-economic condition of rural hill community, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CIFRI) is promoting the ornamental fish farming for strenthening their livelihood under the leadership of Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI. Continuing to this initiative, CIFRI has conducted a training programme on “Inland ornamental fisheries management for income generation & livelihood enhancement in Hilly region” during 28th April to 1st May 2023. In this training programme 26 candidates including 8 females from Sittong, Manju Gaon and Mongu of Darjeeling district have participated. Prior to this training, mass awareness programme and field demonstration have already been conducted in different parts of Darjeeling for sensitizing the villagers about ornamental fish farming techniques and 120 nos of ornamental culture unit have distributed for this purpose.
This 4-day long training course has been designed as per the need of the villagers including hands-on training, classroom teaching and ornamental fish market visit. They were taught on aquarium making and aquascaping, low-cost artificial feed preparation, common livebearers and egg layers ornamental fishes and their breeding, maintenance, and monitoring of ornamental unit etc. A local visit to the Gallif street market has been arranged for them to witness the ornamental fish trade, the market condition, pricing, and other accessories used in this culture practice. In the valedictory session, ornamental fish farming manual and ornamental fish medicines along with the certificates were distributed among the trainees.
During this session, Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI has advised the people to continue this fish farming on a mission mode approach on a cluster basis and assure CIFRI’s support for them. The training program has been coordinated by Dr. Lianthuamluaia and Mrs. P. R. Swain with the support of Mr. Sujit Chaudhury, Dr. Avishek Saha and Dr. Shreya Bhattacharya.