He urged both the organizations to continue to work together for development of open water fisheries in the state including technological advancements in scientific data collection from these fisheries resources. Dr. B. K. Bhattacharjya explained the background and purpose of the demonstration programme. The objective of the programme was to explain how modern mobile communication technology could be used for developing an electronic data acquisition system along with an internet-based application – eMatysa (‘e’ stands for electronic and Matsya means fish in Sanskrit language) – through which fish catch data could be collected instantly from inland open water bodies using very little additional resources. The programme was successfully trial-implemented in selected reservoirs of three states of India namely Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Jharkhand, prior to its demonstration. Dr. M. Karthikeyan, Scientist (SG), ICAR-CIFRI, Bangalore Centre trained the participants on eMatsya and given them hands-on demo for familiarizing with the application software. He informed that any recognized person (whose user ID and password are created by the System Administrator and given to that person) from the inland water body can send the fish catch data on daily basis through mobile phones using this app and the data is sent directly to the server. The data sent by recognized persons using this app would get populated in the database in the web server.
Customised web-application software is used for the management of the resultant database and subsequent report generation. The recorded data can be downloaded in excel format from the website for further analysis. The training programme was coordinated by Dr. A. K. Yadav, Senior Scientist and Dr. S. Borah, Scientist from ICAR-CIFRI as well as Dr. R. C. Barman from DoF, Assam.