ICAR-CIFRI organized awareness programme on ‘Cage culture in reservoir for enhancing fish production’ in Dumbur reservoir of Tripura on 15.12.22
Dumbur reservoir, Tripura, 15th December, 2022
Dumbur is a medium reservoir (3,049 ha) located in Dhalai and Gomati districts of Tripura, Northeast India. The average fish productivity from the reservoir is 120 kg/ha/y (2001-2021). Reportedly Dumbur reservoir has 880 cage installations and having sanctions for more than 1500 cages in total. However, these cages are yet to be utilized to their fullest capacities. ICAR-CIFRI has been providing training and technology backstopping for cage culture in the reservoir. In addition, the Institute has provided 20 tons of CIFRI CageGrow feed, 20 no. net cages and 27000 fish seed to cage fishers of the reservoir during 2020-22.
An awareness programme on ‘Cage culture in reservoir for enhancing fish production’ was organized by ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute in collaboration with Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Tripura at Raishyabari block, Dhalai district, Tripura on 15.12.22. The main objective of the programme was to create awareness and motivate fishers to carry out cage culture scientifically for accruing maximum benefit from the technology. Dr. B.K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore & Coordinator of NEH Project emphasized that cage culture is an intensive aquaculture system where growth of fish is mainly dependent on quality and quantity of feed inputs, stocking density and maintenance of cage nets. Dr. Das emphatically stated that selection of species plays a pivotal role in determining economic feasibility of cage culture. During the programme, he distributed 10 no. of net cages to the fishers.
A total of 45 fishers (including 4 women) took part in the awareness programme. In the interactive session Shri Hriday Sadan Jamatia, Chairman, West Paticherra ADC Village; Dr. S.C.S. Das, Sr. Scientist and Dr. D.J. Sarkar, Sr. Scientist, ICAR-CIFRI; Shri Nanda Gopal Noatia, DDF (C&D, Nodal Officer-NEH), Directorate of Fisheries; Shri Madan Tripura, SF, Gandacherra, Shri A. Debbarma, SF Jatanbari; Shri Rantadeep Saha and Timothy Sangma, Fishery Officers, Gandacherra took active part. Along with the officers from the Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Tripura and Scientists of ICAR-CIFRI, Dr. Das visited the cage culture site at West Paticherra ADC Village, Raishyabari block, Dhalai district, Tripura and provided on-site suggestions for improvement of cage culture practice.