Rural tribal women of Jharkhand trained for coloured fish farming
6th June, 2022
Prof. Chanchal Guha, Vice Chancellor of West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences (WBUAFS) inaugurated the five days long skill development training programme on ornamental fish for the tribal women of Jharkhand for the first time of its kind on 30-05-22. Dr. H. N. Dwivedi, Director (Fisheries), Govt of Jharkhand and Dr. B. K. Das, Director ICAR-CIFRI were the other dignitaries present in the inaugural session.
The chief guest addressed the tribal women and informed this kind of programme is first of its kind for the ornamental fish farming would open up avenue among the poor tribal women as a source of income generation as well as livelihood support in long run. Dr. H. N. Diwedi Director (Fisheries) of Jharkhand in his address mentioned that ICAR-CIFRI initiative in association with Jharkhand Fisheries department would lead the colour fish farming and create a massive awareness and practice among the tribal community. The department will render all possible support to establish ornamental fish farming among the rural women stakeholder in the state.
Dr. B. K. Das, Director, ICAR-CIFRI stated that 60 units of ornamental fish farming kit have been distributed among the beneficiaries in consultation with Department of Fisheries earlier in which the rural women have started the farming practice. The input such as FRP ornamental tank (400 L), ornamental fish seed, fish feed, aerator, medicine and other accessories were provided to the selected beneficiaries.
Further onsite demonstration and mass awreness programme has been conducted in 3 different places (Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Bokaro) and preliminary skills have been imparted to them. These five days long training progrrame has been designed both on ‘hand holding” in the ornamental fish hatcheries, visit to the ornamental fish farming village as well as class room demonstrations and their problems arises during the rearing period.
The ornamental fish industry provides a viable alternative source of income for rural populations, notably women from tribal communities. The state of Jharkhand is home to 26% of the tribal population. Around 64 retail and wholesale ornamental fish enterprises in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, rely on ornamental fish supply from the Kolkata market in West Bengal. In this training during 30.05.2022 to 03.06.2022, the trainees learnt the process of fabrication of aquarium, handling the ornamental fishes, breeding of different ornamental fishes like live bearer (guppy, molly, platy and swordtail) and egg layers (Gold fish, koi carp). They also learn about the feed requirement (both natural and artificial) and feeding time of fish; common disease and their treatment. They were also taught on common management practices in aquarium such as water exchange, use of thermostat, selection compatible aquarium fish species to keep them together in aquaria etc. Additionally, a local visit was also arranged for them to one ornamental village near Howrah to motivate them for ornamental fish farming.
In this program a total of 28 participants have participated out of which 25 were women (including two fisheries officials). Among the women beneficiary 13 women are ST and rest of are under SC categories. The beneficiaries belong to rural villages i.e., Punsa, Naga, and Shiling villages of East Shinghbhum, Jamshedpur and Ikti, Ranchi. The program was coordinated and supported by Dr. Aparna Roy, Dr. P. K. Parida, Dr. Raju Baitha, Dr.Pritijyoti Majhi, Dr.Avishek Saha and Sri Kausik Mandal, and Dr. S. Bhattacharya, Mr. Ratan Das.