ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore Celebrated its 76th Foundation day on 17th March 2022 at Institute headquarter, Barrackpore Kolkata.
In his welcome address, Dr. B. K. Das, Director CIFRI, Barrackpore stressed that institute has played a pioneering role in ushering fisheries and aquaculture Revolution in India through its research and technology development that has enabled the country to increase the production of fish by 12 times, since 1950-51, thus making a visible impact on the national food and nutritional security.
Swami Mahadevanand Maharaj Ji, Assistant Secretary, Bharat Sevashram Sangh, and Chief Guest of the foundation day addressed the gathering in Bangla and appreciated the work of ICAR-CIFRI during the difficult period of Corona pandemic. Swami ji said that he has personally seen the work of ICAR-CIFRI in fisheries development in Sundarban region since last several year. He stressed upon the importance of integrated fish farming technology and expects more collaborative work among all institutes to explore more opportunity. He emphasised that innovation and invention should reach each and every door of common people by quoting the speech of Swami Vivekananda Ji.
Shri Rajiv Kumar, GM, Metal and Steel Factory, Ministry of Defence and Guest of honour in his address appreciated the work of ICAR-CIFRI in West Bengal and other states. The development made by the institute is not only interesting but amazing. The technology developed by the institute has revolutionised fisheries and aquaculture. I congratulate all CIFRIans on 76th foundation day.
Dr. A.P. Sharma, Former Director, ICAR-CIFRI greeted the ICAR-CIFRI family on the occasion of 76th foundation day and remarked that this institute was started when India was not self-sufficient in food. The institute is serving the nation since independence and provided back bone of aquaculture and inland fisheries revolution in India. Institute cage culture work has beard fruit. Now the time has come to broad base more fish species in cage. Prof. S. K. Sanyal, Former Vice Chancellor, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani congratulated ICAR-CIFRI for completing 75 glorious years of service to the nation. He emphasized that the efforts of the staff for bringing laurels to the institute in form of Best institute awards, Rafi Ahmad Kidwai award, patents, technologies, etc. are praiseworthy.
The medals to the winners of annual sports events were presented to awardees by Chief guests and guests of honors. Medical cards for staff members were distributed by the dignitaries. The 76th foundation day cake was cut by honourable dignitaries. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. S. K. Samanta, Head of Division, REF Division. The program ended with National anthem.