Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting of ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore |
8th March, 2022
The 3rd Research Advisory Committee (RAC: 2020-2022) Meeting of ICAR-CIFRI was held during 08-09 March, 2022 through hybrid mode. The hon’ble Chairman of RAC Prof. (Dr.) Baskaran Manimaran and revered Members of RAC, Dr. Sharad Kumar Jain and Dr. B. P. Mohanty attended the meeting physically while Dr. K.G. Padmakumar, and Dr. S. C. Pathak participated in the meeting through online mode. Dr. A. K. Das, Member Secretary initiated the programme with formal welcome of the Chairman and Members of the RAC. The welcome address was followed by initial remarks of Dr. B. K. Das, Director of the Institute.
Dr. Das appraised about the various research and developmental activities of the Institute highlighting new research initiatives, research achievements, outreach programmes, technologies and products developed, high impact publications and infrastructure development amidst the Covid pandemic conditions. He has also stated that ICAR-CIFRI Conferred with Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award-2020 under Large Institute Category and Director received the prestigious Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for Outstanding Research in Agricultural Sciences. Chairman, Prof Manimaran, in his initial remarks, highly appreciated the achievements of the institute and expressed being honoured to be associated with this premier Research Institute in the country as Chairman of RAC. He urged the scientists of the Institute to play pivotal role in providing technical guidance and management plans in the context of increasing focus on inland fisheries for production enhancement and to prioritise the research activities in the context of emerging challenges.
He complemented the Director and staff for the tremendous achievements including awards. Dr. S. K. Jain, recalled his association with the Institute and appreciated the achievements including high impact publications. Dr. Padmakumar emphasized on the contribution of the Institute in fostering the growth in inland fish production in the country and highlighted various issues and challenges in open water fisheries. Dr. Pathak recalled his long association with CIFRI and opined that the Institute has expanded its research programmes contributing immensely for the sectoral development. Dr. B. P. Mohanty also recalled his long career at CIFRI and urged the scientists to have futuristic visions and to contribute more for national aspirations of Vision 2047.

The initial remarks by the Chairman and Members of the RAC was followed by presentation of Action Taken Report by the Member Secretary, RAC. The committee remarked that the ATR was very prompt and addressed all the recommendations. Heads of Divisions, Heads/ In-charges of the Regional Centres presented achievements made under different Institute Projects and other activities at their respective Divisions/Centres. Achievements of two ICAR Network Projects were also presented by the respective Principal Investigators. 
Chairman Prof. Manimaran and other members expressed their satisfaction in the overall progress and also appreciated various initiatives taken by the Institute. They complimented the Director and Staff of CIFRI on celebration of Platinum Jubilee. At the end, Chairman and Members made their concluding remarks with critical reviews and suggestions towards research activities and made recommendations of RAC.

Director Dr. Das thanked the Chairman and all the RAC Members for their valuable suggestions and remarks which would help the Institute in shaping its research programmes and prioritizing research focus to strive for greater heights and achieving the national targets. The meeting ended with formal vote of thanks by the RAC Member Secretary, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore.