Contact Us
Dr. B.P. Mohanty
- Coordinator & Principal Investigator, Principal Scientist & Head of Division-FREM, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CIFRI), Barrackpore, Kolkata 700120 Mob: +919230618153 / 9831718924Tel No: 033-25921190 / 91, Direct +91-33-25452061Fax: +91-33-25452061Email: bimalmohanty12@rediffmail.com; bimal.mohanty@icar.gov.in
Shri. D. Karunakaran
- Co-Principal Investigator & Database Administrator, Scientist, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (1CAR-CIFRI), Barrackpore, Kolkata 700120 Mob: +09433286866Tel No: 033-25921190 / 91Fax: 033-25920388Email: d.karunakaran@icar.gov.in
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Conceptualized, Developed and Maintained by Dr. B. P. Mohanty and D. Karunakaran
© ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore.
Phone: 91-033-25921190/25921191 Fax: 91-033-25920388 E-mail:bimalmohanty12@rediffmail.com; bimal.mohanty@icar.gov.in